Environmental Services

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ISO 14001 Certification

Environmental Management System

Environmental Management System ISO 14001 provides a practical framework for organizations to manage potential and existing environmental risks. It easily integrates into the business management structure to control the impacts which the activities, operations, products and services have on the environment.

ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) is a management tool enabling an organization of any size or type to:

Key Benefits:

EMAS Verifications Eco

Management and Audit Scheme

EMAS is the premium environmental management tool for the organizations with a proactive approach to environmental challenges look for ways to:

It shares the same basic structure and requirements with Environmental Management Standards ISO 14001:2004, but there are certain principles that make EMAS regulation unique.

EMAS’ distinctive key elements are performance, credibility and transparency.

Key Benefits:

Environmental Assestment

Waste Management Planning

Waste management plan have a crucial role in achieving sustainable waste management that is in line with Albanian waste legislation.

The main purpose is to provide a full spectrum of generated waste including any relevant assessment and issue adequate guidelines for the implementation of Waste legislation, classification and treatment possibilities.

In this framework each organization that produces waste should draft a waste management plan observing the following key topics:

Place of Generation

Collection & Storage



Carbon Footprint Assessment

Verification From Notified Body